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Transcript of Lighting Overview Video

NARRATOR 1: Good lighting is critically important for people experiencing vision loss. Listen to this overview to learn more.

NARRATOR 2: Man in a kitchen.

BRYAN: As we get older, we generally need more light for reading, for sewing, writing and other near tasks. In addition, a person with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or other vision impairments, may need as much as three to four times as much light to read as a person without a visual impairment.

NARRATOR 2: A senior man leans in to read a pill bottle under the light of a desk lamp.

BRYAN: A person with a visual impairment may think to himself when he walks into a room, “Why is it so dark in here?” And their family members may say, “It’s not that dark.” But it is for them. It’s as though they closed the drapes, or turned the lights down. One of the greatest needs for a person with visual impairment is illumination, illumination, illumination. So the question naturally arises, “What kind of lighting is best for me, and is most helpful?” It may be incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, or the relatively new full spectrum lamps.