Sometimes Ya Just Never Know, Do You?–Introducing Sharon Hughey to the APH ConnectCenter Team

In the APH ConnectCenter we field all types of calls and questions.  They range from “how do I learn to cope with my blindness?”; to “what type of technology might work best to help me?”; to “how do I maintain my independence?”; to questions about careers and employment. When the phone rings, I’m reminded of a popular quote from the movie Forrest Gump. “…life is like … Continued

Blind Dating While Gay

Unless you are lucky enough to have met your significant other in a traditional way like in a church, a social circle, or club; like many of us, you may have turned to online dating. What I will talk about in this article can certainly apply to anyone of us, straight or gay, but sometimes the latter presents some interesting challenges. Here are … Continued