Summertime and the Living Is Easy

So a song by the American artist, Ella Fitzgerald, begins. I grew up in the American south. As a child the heat never really bothered me. We spent the summers outside, usually at summer camp. When not at camp, we were outside riding our ponies or playing physically demanding games. Itā€™s quite different now! My … Continued

Stand Up! Advocacy Comes in Many Forms

Disability Rights Disability rights for people who are blind in this country started with actions that most states took decades before the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) passed. According to the National Association of Dog Guide Users, “The United States of America was the first country to pass laws protecting the right of blind individuals … Continued

Volunteering with Blinded Veterans Leads to a Fulfilling Career at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Editor’s note: Here is another post related to volunteering and National Volunteer Week. However, peer advisor Sue Martin, Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, also addresses another important theme this week— Vision Rehabilitation Therapist Week. Volunteering at the Blind Rehabilitation Center My life with blindness began in my mid-twenties. I had to learn how to do almost everything … Continued

Technology Success Brings Renewed Self-Confidence

With the beginning of the new year, the peer advisors are enhancing the theme of independence on VisionAware. Be sure to read Audrey Demmitt’s overview for the independence section, From Personal Loss to Personal Growth, the Road to Independence. Iā€™ve had a really tough few months. When in the midst of it all I knew … Continued

Five Busy Workers,Three Buzzing Saws, Two Chugging Compressors, And A Partridge In A Pear Tree!

Editor’s Note: This is part of our ongoing series on Laughter is Often the Best Medicine. Contributed by Sue Martin, Peer Advisor. Partridge in a Pear Tree or Something Like That! Three days before installation of our new floors, eighteen boxes of hardwood walked in the door. They had to be in the house for … Continued