Low Vision Exam. What is it? Who Needs it? What Comes Next?

Editor’s note: Join us on March 31, 2021, @ 1:00 pm (EST), for the first a series of two webinars in which Dr. Alexis G. Malkin, OD, FAAO, and David Bradburn from HumanWare will discuss the importance of routine eye exams, low vision exams, and showcase low vision devices.  by Dr. Alexis G. Malkin, OD and David Bradburn, AT Specialist, HumanWare As we age, our … Continued

Five Steps for Adjusting to Low Vision

Editor’s note: Please plan to join our webinar on February 18, “Living with Low Vision: Insider Perspectives.” VisionAware peers with low vision will share their experiences of living with loss at different times in their lives including how they coped with their diagnosis and adjusted to life with vision loss.   I guess the most surprising thing … Continued

Mental Health and Visual Impairment: Peer Perspectives

Mental Health Awareness Month Editor’s Note: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately one in five adults in the U.S., 43.8 million or 18.5 percent, experience mental illness every year. Since 1949, May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month, specifically highlighting and educating the public about mental illnesses. The campaign also … Continued