World Sight Day: The Eyes and COVID

World Sight Day is held annually to focus global attention on vision impairment, including blindness. In 2021, World Sight Day is October 14th and the theme is “Love Your Eyes.”  The International Agency for Prevention of Blindness wants everyone to make a pledge to protect their vision such as getting a comprehensive eye exam.  Since COVID is at the forefront of everyone’s minds … Continued

Diagnosed with Eye Disease I Couldn’t Spell, Pronounce or Find Online: Vogt Koyanagi Harada Syndrome

Editor’s note: In observance of Rare Disease Day on February 28, Empish Thomas, VisionAware Peer, has written  this post about her rare autoimmune condition characterized by chronic, bilateral uveitis. An image of the parts of the eye most affected is shown below. Getting the Diagnosis I am sure you have heard of common eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. You … Continued