November is Diabetes Month

person pricking finger to take blood sugar' text: take your meds, maintain healthy weight, add physical activity daily, contol A1C, blood pressure and cholestrol, don't smoke. Infographic provided by NEHEP.
November is National Diabetes Month- NEHEP Infographic of Individual Pricking Finger

Diabetic eye disease is a leading cause of blindness and often has no early warning signs. Early detection, timely treatment, and appropriate follow-up care are critical to prevent vision  loss. 

During National Diabetes Month, the National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) encourages you to learn how people with diabetes can protect their vision.  

VisionAware provides you with information on managing your diabetes, including if you have vision loss through diabetic eye disease. 

Diabetes Webinar November 17 

VisionAware offers webinars on different aspects of diabetes self-management provided by Kim Ladd, an RN and certified diabetes educator with experience with working with people with vision loss. 

The next webinar will be a question-and-answer session on managing medications and will be held on November 17 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.  eastern.  There are two archived webinars that you should listen to before attending the Q&A. One is on oral medications for diabetes and the other is on injectable diabetes medications. We are offering ACVREP credit for the two webinars, based on passing a five-question quiz at the end of each webinar.  You will then receive a code to apply for ACVREP credits. If you want credit for all three webinars, you will need to  register to attend to attend on November 17. 

Additional Resources and Webinars 

VisionAware offers lots of other resources related to diabetes and vision loss.  

Diabetes Medications – VisionAware

We have just updated much of our guide to living with diabetes and vision loss.  

Diabetes Course: Diabetes & Visual Impairment – The National Research & Training Center on Blindness & Low Vision (

Archived Webinars 

Diabetes Basics 

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels 

Monitoring Your Blood Sugar and Using Insulin When Visually Impaired 

Understanding Diabetes Medications Part 1

Understanding Diabetes Medications Part 2

Q/A on Diabetes Medications