Council of Schools and Services for the Blind

General Information

Council of Schools and Services for the Blind
Idaho Educational Services for the Deaf and the Blind
1450 Main Street
Gooding, ID 83330

Brief Description

The Council of Schools for the Blind (COSB) is an organization whose members are the day and residential schools for children who are blind or visually impaired throughout North America. Each member school is represented by the lead administrator of the school, or his or her designee. COSB is a resource for the administrator and the school on management issues as well as on issues related to blindness.

COSB schools develop and offer model programs; follow promising practices; serves as resource centers; establish and maintain regional links with teacher training programs; and offer extensive outreach services. COSB holds an annual COSB Institute for administrators.

Services Offered

  • Information and Referral
    • Serves as an information clearinghouse and advocate for areas of interest relating to residential schools for blind and visually impaired persons.