Don GolembiewskiAfter receiving a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Teaching of the Adult Blind from Western Michigan University in December of 1977, I worked for nine years as an itinerant rehabilitation teacher for blind adults in Wisconsin and later served as the coordinator of Independent Living for Older Blind Individuals for Wisconsin for 13 years.

Later, I was hired as the Director of Outreach and distance education instructor for The Hadley School for the Blind in March of 2001 and worked for Hadley until June of 2012.

I have been actively involved in professional organizations representing service providers for blind individuals and served as a past-chair of both the Rehabilitation Teaching Division (now VRT) and the Aging Services Division of AERBVI. Those leadership experiences continue to help guide my work with consumers, their family members and professionals.

I currently serve as a Lions Club Zone Chairman and have served as a president of two different clubs.