If you’ve always resisted using a computer, you may feel even less inclined to take the plunge now that you’re confronted with vision loss. Or, since you began having vision problems, you may be missing the connection your computer gave you to the world. Either way, it must be said that for people with vision loss, the standard personal computer may be one of the most useful tools ever invented. If you’re reading this, then at the very least you’ve already gotten your feet wet as far as computer technology goes. You might even be wading in the deep end by now. If you’re still at a tentative stage, or have largely abandoned your computer because of trouble reading the screen or working with the keys, don’t give up. With surprisingly little effort, you can “surf the net” with the same freedom and speed as any sighted surfer. And since just about every social transaction can be conducted online—from grocery shopping and finding recipes, to banking and bill paying, to earning a college degree, to everyday correspondence—computers can effectively erase many barriers that once limited people with vision loss. Still unconvinced? Then check out the following links. They are your guide to computer use with vision loss, how to get started, and what software you can install to further enhance your experience.

Using a Computer with Low Vision

Check out Customizing Windows for Low Vision Series | Hadley Low Vision Tips

Getting Online with a Screen Reader

Check out Getting Online: Screen Reader Series | Hadley Vision Resources