Transcript of Video

NARRATOR 1: Deane Jackson and Rae Burns sitting at an office desk. Deanne is wearing a blue blouse. Rae, a rehabilitation specialist, speaks first.

RAE: Visually, what’s important for you?

DEANNE: I need to know where everything is. Because I don’t have my eyes to depend on anymore.

NARRATOR 2: 66-year-old Deanne Jackson has wet macular degeneration. In order to set up an accessible home office, she’s turned to rehabilitation specialist, Rae Burns, for help:

RAE: What we want to take a look at is to see how things are laid out space wise, how things are put away.

NARRATOR 2: For those with vision loss, organizational skills are critically important, especially in a home office setting with so many items to keep track of.

NARRATOR 1: Deanne takes paper clips from a small desk organizer.

DEANNE: I find that if I can allocate spots for everything or places so that I know where everything is, then I can function so much better.

NARRATOR 2: The most important consideration is establishing a functional work environment, one that maximizes usable vision and provides locations for equipment, accessories and files.

NARRATOR 1: An open file drawer with multi-colored folders and large print labels.

NARRATOR 2: Large print or braille labeling in brightly-colored folders like these in sections can help establish order and efficiency.

NARRATOR 1: Rae and Deanne looking through the folders in the file drawer.

RAE: This hangingn file folder section here, all of it is very nicely color-coded. You have the broader categories that are to your left, and the smaller sub-categories to the right. I want you to feel up on the desk.

NARRATOR 2: Rae is helping Deanne get oriented to a spacious L-shaped desk, an optimal layout if you have the space. The desk affords enough room to promote smooth work flow. A CCTV, which magnifies printed material, sits to the extreme right. Writing materials often used with a CCTV, are stored to the left. A printer/fax is located in the center of the desk, between the computer and the CCTV.

RAE: That really gives you flexibility to go direct to your computer or to take things from your machine and to use them on your CCTV.

NARRATOR 1: Rae and Deanne sitting at a small desk.

NARRATOR 2: If you don’t have enough space for an L-shaped desk, a small trolley-type desk can also work well. This compact desk, on wheels, can easily be moved from one location to another. With space at a premium, you’ll want to designate spots for your most frequently used items.

NARRATOR 1: Deanne reaches for a tape dispenser on the desk.

NARRATOR 2: An in/out box can hold current items, with other important materials displayed in labeled files. Small containers are useful for holding writing instruments and other handy tools.

RAE: That basket is just for little items that you would need like a stapler remover.

NARRATOR 2: The key to an effective home office, large or small, is organization and proper storage. In a phrase, if you don’t need it, file it away, and if you use it often, keep it close at hand. This accordion file is a handy portable way to corral current or pending items.

NARRATOR 1: Rae and Deanne looking through a brown accordion folder. Then, Deanne closes the cover of the folder and wraps a band around it to keep it shut.

RAE: Well, so you can see how easy this would be just to pick this up on a daily basis and go.

DEANNE: And go with it.

RAE: And it’s almost like your own personal to-do.

NARRATOR 2: A bookcase can also provide organized storage. Here, magazines and catalogs are contained in labeled holders on the top shelf. The second shelf holds a large print dictionary for easy access. Lower shelves contain talking books and small baskets for those seemingly endless adapters and cords.

Rae has a cardinal rule in her home office instruction: When you’re done using it, put it back. And if other people use the home office, make sure they put things back where they belong.

NARRATOR 1: Deanne closes the magazine she is holding.

RAE: And do you remember what shelf that was on?

DEANNE: It’s on the top shelf.

RAE: Okay. And if you’ll show me what you would do in that situation.

DEANNE: Okay. I’m going to look for the labels for magazines, which is right here.

RAE: Right. Very good.

NARRATOR 1: Deanne places the magazine on the shelf in the properly labeled container.