Headshot of Debra A. Sokol-McKay
Debra A. Sokol-McKay
Debra is a private practitioner and consultant in the fields of diabetes, disability, and vision loss who fosters collaboration between low vision professionals, occupational therapists, and diabetes educators. She is a diabetes educator, low vision therapist, and a licensed occupational therapist. Debra has published numerous peer reviewed and consumer articles about diabetes and diabetes self-management in a wide range of professional journals, consumer publications, and textbooks and is the author of An Introduction to Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy on the VisionAware website and several contributions thereunder. She frequently presents on diabetes self management and low vision/vision rehabilitation topics at national and international professional conferences and universities and often by invitation. Currently, she, Dr. M. Scheiman and Dr. S. Whittaker are co-writing their updated textbook, titled “Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists.” She is an adjunct instructor at Salus University College of Education and Rehabilitation. Debra actively consults as a low vision and universal design specialist for designers and producers of new diabetes related products and various non-profit low vision organizations. She actively provides direct clinical interventions to clients having diabetes, disability, and/or severe vision loss.