head shot of Cindy
Headshot of Cindy

Life has been quite the Blind adventure. After completing my degree in Music Therapy, I became a Board Certified Music Therapist providing services to pediatric oncology, Visually Impaired  Preschool Services, geriatric facilities, and more. I also traveled to South Korea to teach English as a second language. Not long after getting established back in the United States, my husband and I decided to put my professional career on hold while we start our family. Currently, I am raising two young children, volunteering, and working on building my You Tube channel called “Seeing Blind.” 

Since the age of five, I have progressively lost eyesight due to Stargardt‘s disease. As a legally blind adult, and now parent, I strive to be as independent as possible and share my knowledge in efforts to help others. My goals for the future are to continue my passions in music, running, knitting, and when my kids reach school-age, I hope to become a rehabilitation therapist for people who are visually impaired and continue my work on YouTube.