Working-Age Adults with Blindness or Low Vision

woman at work, her computer screen visible behind her
  • Are you a working-age adult who is losing your vision?
  • Is your vision loss beginning to affect your job performance?
  • Are you concerned about your ability to maintain your current employment and remain in the workforce?
  • Is it becoming difficult to travel to and from your workplace?
  • Do you want to learn more about your legal rights?
  • Are you looking for resources and information that can help and support you?
VisionAware can provide you with the employment resources and information you need to get started. Be sure to explore APH CareerConnect®, as well—an employment information resource for job seekers who are blind or visually impaired. CareerConnect offers employment information, visually impaired mentors, career exploration tools, and extensive job seeking guidance for adults with vision loss and the professionals who work with them.

Older Adults in the Workforce

Are you over 50 or an otherwise anxious baby boomer? If you are an older worker experiencing vision loss, know that you are not alone. Visit the For Seniors area of VisionAware and learn how to continue working in your current occupation, do different kinds of work altogether, modify the work you do, or even launch a new job search.