General Information
Minnesota Board on Aging/Senior LinkAge Line
540 Cedar St
Saint Paul,
MN 55155
Brief Description
The Minnesota Board on Aging administers policy relating to all aspects of the Older Americans Act services be funded, such as the meal programs, legal services, ombudsman, etc. and sets policies for those programs. Those programs are targeted to those in the greatest social and economic need, with particular attention to low-income minorities and those residing in rural areas and are administered by Area Agencies on Aging. Some services, like Information and Assistance (I&A), e.g., Senior LinkAge Line are available to all older persons and their families. Placing nutrition sites in subsidized, senior high rise buildings are examples of targeting services, like nutrition, to persons in greatest economic need.
Services Offered
- Information and Referral
- The Senior LinkAge Line is the Minnesota Board on Aging's free statewide information and assistance service. The Senior LinkAge Line service is provided by six Area Agencies on Aging that cover all 87 counties of Minnesota and helps connect seniors and caregivers to local services. Senior Linkage Line not only helps connect people to services in the community, but also provides the actual assistance to help people get the information and personalized help needed to make good decisions. This includes providing face-to-face help in the home or community. The Senior LinkAge Line has expertise in the areas of: -Medicare -Prescription Drug Expense assistance for Minnesotans of all ages -Health Insurance Counseling -Forms assistance, including help applying for Medical Assistance and Medicare options -Long-term Care Insurance, including the Long-term Care Partnership -Long-term Care Options Counseling -Caregiver planning and support -Grandparents raising Grandchildren -Transitional Consultation Transitional long-term care consultation supports people with current or anticipated long-term care needs to make informed choices about housing and care options.