Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services

General Information

Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services
Aging Services Division
55 Farmington Avenue - 12th Floor
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 424 5274

Brief Description

The Aging Services Division, Connecticut’s State Unit on Aging, ensures that Connecticut’s elders have access to the supportive services necessary to live with dignity, security, and independence. The Division is responsible for planning, developing, and administering a comprehensive and integrated service delivery system for older persons in Connecticut.

Services Offered

  • Employment/Job Training
    • Provides employment referrals for individuals age 55 or older.

  • Information and Referral
    • Provides health insurance counseling and information assistance. Provides referrals to Area Agencies on Aging and information on other local aging services.

  • Daily Living Skills/Independent Living Skills Training
    • Offers social, nutritional, employment, and other services to people aged 60 and over. Services are not specific to visually impaired.