Perkins Library

General Information

Perkins Library
175 North Beacon St
Watertown, MA 02472

Brief Description

The Perkins Library provides talking books, talking book machines, large-print books, braille books, downloadable books, described videos and Newsline service for people who are blind or visually impaired or have a physical disability or organically based reading disability. All services are free.

Services Offered

  • Library Services
    • Offers many services to blind, visually impaired, physically handicapped, people with dyslexia, and reading disabilities. Services include: audio books and magazines, playback equipment and accessories, braille books and magazines, large print books, downloadable audio and braille, free app for audio and braille downloads, descriptive movies, telephone newspaper services, materials and services for children and young adults, materials in languages other than English, reference services, reader's advisory services, braille production, and recording studio. Community Outreach Services: An Outreach Specialist presents information on our programs to organizations in Massachusetts requesting this service. Library Without Walls book group is hosted online. A Book Buddy Program is offered to help Massachusetts Library patrons with their book selections.

  • Information and Referral
    • Serves as information clearinghouse to connect people with resources and/or agencies.