National Braille Press

General Information

National Braille Press
88 Saint Stephen St
Boston, MA 02115

Brief Description

National Braille Press (NBP) is a nonprofit braille printer and publisher offering braille books, magazines, textbooks, tests, and customized embossing services.

The National Braille Press Bookstore has books for adults and children, print books for sighted teachers and parents, and braille gifts.

Everything Braille provides sources of braille publications, adaptive technology, tactile graphics, braille fun and games, and braille music.

Services Offered

  • Information and Referral
    • Provides information about availability of literature in alternate formats. Refers to other publishers where appropriate.

  • Professional Training
    • Offers in-service training in braille transcription for employees of organization.

  • Braille/Electronic/Audio/Large Print Production
    • Technical, children's literature, self-help, textbooks and tests. On-demand materials include menus, event programs, business cards, airline safety brochures.

  • Braille and Reading Instruction
    • ReadBooks! is a free national children's braille literacy program to encourage families with blind children to read print/braille books together.

      Sells alternate format books including technical, children's literature, self-help, textbooks and others. Products for sale via mail order catalog and online.