New Mexico Commission for the Blind

General Information

New Mexico Commission for the Blind
2200 Yale Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Brief Description

The Commission for the Blind provides vocational rehabilitation and independent living services designed to enable persons who are blind to become more participating and contributing members of society. Blind people lead normal lives, have families, raise children, participate in community activities, and work in a wide range of jobs. They are secretaries, lawyers, teachers, engineers, machinists, scientists, supervisors and business owners. The real challenge is to educate blind people about their own potential and to educate society about the capabilities of persons who are blind.

Services Offered

  • Counseling
    • As part of vocational rehabilitation activities the Commission may , when warranted, referrals for to psychological testing and evaluation. Counselors provide individual counseling to consumers, and may contract/refer for consultation to other agencies on counseling/social work services.

  • Employment/Job Training
    • Provides pre-vocational evaluation, career and skill counseling, occupational skill development, job retention, job retraining, vocational placement, follow-up service, vending facility training and placement.

  • Recreation Services
    • Offers recreational activities (hiking, rock climbing, and swimming) in conjunction with Orientation Center and student summer program. The student summer program and the VR program serves individuals 14 years of age and older.

  • Daily Living Skills/Independent Living Skills Training
    • Provides independent living training and counseling for those who are legally blind and who request same.

  • Information and Referral
    • Refers for counseling/social work services, other health services, and recreational services.

  • Assessment
    • Offers vocational rehabilitation assessment and technical assessment.

  • Computer Training/Assistive Technology
    • Offers computer training.

  • Consultation/Technical Program Assistance
    • Technical assistance available.

  • Braille and Reading Instruction
    • Provides basic braille instruction with adult literacy when necessary.

  • Reading Services
    • Newsline.

  • Community Outreach Programs
    • Conducts general outreach activities.