DeafBlind Central: Michigan’s Training and Resource Project

General Information

DeafBlind Central: Michigan’s Training and Resource Project
Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant
Sloan 105
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859

Services Offered

  • Consultation/Technical Program Assistance
    • Offers onsite consultation: In some circumstances, DB Central staff will visit the home, school or community setting to work with families and service professionals who are impacted by DeafBlindness. Attempts to address and resolve issues via distance consultation (i.e. phone, email, webcam) will likely precede on-site visits.

      Offers training to professionals and families on a variety of topics, as determined by needs surveys and best practices in the field.

      Offers training opportunities open to all people involved with children/young adults who are DeafBlind, as well as some geared for specific audiences. Trainings may be both regional and statewide, as well as professional development opportunities (see regional training map below). Participants in DB Central trainings may be eligible to receive distance or onsite coaching. Teams selected for onsite coaching will work with project staff to develop a technical assistance agreement.